Have you ever felt like you had to choose between being a stay-at-home Mom so you could be present for your kids and going to work so you can provide financial stability for your family? What if there was a way.. a path... where you didn't have to choose? What if you could have the best of both worlds?
Before I became a Mom, a big part of my identity was my job, my career. I put in extra time at work and worked extremely hard to make sure I was an easy choice when it came to the next promotion or opportunity. I was climbing the corporate ladder and thought I was happy.
But when my first son was born in 2021 something in me changed. I no longer craved the recognition at work. I wanted to be home with my baby. I wanted to see every single milestone and be there for my family. I started doing some research and found there were a lot of people making money online but I didn't quite know where to start so I stuck it out at my job.
Then when I got pregnant with my second boy at the end of 2023 that yearning to be home with my boys suddenly found a new gear and turned into a desperate drive to find a different way. We weren't in a position where I could not work at all, we needed my half of the income.. That's when I found Modern Wealthy
FINALLY! I'd found a way to start earning an income on MY time that worked around my FAMILY'S SCHEDULE!
It didn't happen overnight but I now have something that I'm building that I love! And I'm spending my energy and efforts in building MY business, not working for someone else.
Ready to find out more?
If you're a Mom who's tired of a workplace that expects you to work like you don't have a family then sign up now to get started with a free video series!